Strong Week Links 10

As if I could love Terry Gross anymore, last week on Fresh Air she featured a hilarious interview with herself by Marc Maron, in which she revealed the cutest things (she and her husband eat breakfast together every Saturday morning and pick out a record to listen to), the most heartfelt things (why she can ask her interviewees about illness and the end of life, but can't discuss the same things with friends), and the coolest things (she and her husband have so much vinyl it sounds like they basically live in a record store, and she got her start doing a '70s feminist radio show). She is a national treasure.

A cool print by artist Ali Beletic.

J. Crew has revealed its latest capsule collections in collaboration with CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund winners and runners up. I'm especially excited about Ryan Roche's knits in her signature shades of washed out pink (Paul Anderson's sandals look pretty cool too). They launch June 3rd but are available now for pre-order.

Kind of love fancy versions of regular household items.

The World Needs Female Rock Critics